
August 25, 2004

I am trying my best to teach Bailey to high five. I hold his little hand in mine and do the action while saying GIMEEEEE FIIIVEEEE!! He always smiles when I do it and thinks that it is great fun. After doing that a few times, he kinda gets the hang of it and does it without me holding his hand. But, if I try to get him to do it in front of other people he just smiles and gets kinda shy. Cute but frustrating.

We have his huge, blue piggy bank that someone gave to him and we fill it up with our pocket and occassionally, two dollar bills. Bailey is so cute trying to figure out where the money goes. When you drop the money into the bank he laughs at the sound of the money jangling. We should start a savings account for him soon. That little piggy is getting heavy.


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