
December 17, 2004

Gosh, it sure has been a long time since I have given an update. Well, where to start? Let's see. . . Bailey went to the doctor today and got a clean bill of health. All 29 pounds 9 ounces and 33 inches of him!! His current favorite thing is to walk around the house and find things that he can carry around with him. Like tennis shoes, purses baby lotion. Nothing is safe and I mean absolutely nothing. Just the other day he threw a perfectly good, new roll of toilet paper into the toilet. Needless to say, it couldn't be saved. And I am still not 100% convinced of this, by Mom swears he stole her glasses. We spent days trying to find them. Amanda even looked in the dishwasher to no avail. So, Mom decided to get a new pair- ordered them, paid for them and then found them under the Christmas tree when she was trying to fix the lights. Hmmmm. . . .

We are going back to Japan on January 2nd and I cannot wait. I miss my husband and I am sure that Bailey misses his Daddy. Witness the way he lights up when he hears Daddy's voice on the phone. I asked the docotor today about giving Bailey some medication to help him sleep on the plane and felt totally guilty about it. But, he assured me, it is a long flight and since we didn't purchase a seat for him, helping him to sleep by using medication isn't so bad. He told me to try it out before we left because in one percent of children it causes hyperactivity. Would hate to find that out mid-flight.

I have lots of birthday pictures to post. hopefully, I will get around to it before the holidays.


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