
September 25, 2004

Ok, so I can't be really sure yet, but I think that Bailey has finally started saying MAMA!!! You wouldn't believe how happy I was to hear that come from his mouth. Amanda says I am crazy that it doesn't even sound like MAMA, but I don't care. Close enough for me.

So, we were out shopping at Wal-Mart today and I saw a girl there that was in my childbirth class. Our class was pretty small, only four couples and out of those four couples there were two baby boys and two baby girls. Guess the odds really are fifty-fifty, huh? Anyway, her son was born about twelve days after Bailey, but the differences between them are like night and day. Bailey weighs 27 pounds, he weighs 21. Bailey has 8 teeth, he has 1. He is walking and Bailey os happy just to be pulling up and cruising. I guess that every baby develops on his own schedule, but it is interesting to see the differences.


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