
September 9, 2004

I love to put Bailey down for his naps. Usually he can hold his own bottle, but when he is sleepy, I hold it while he plays with my fingers- stretching, twisting, pulling. The sleepier he gets the less he plays with my fingers and the more he starts rubbing my arm- quickly then slowly until his hand just rests on my arm. When he is finally asleep he tucks his hands under his chin and he looks just like those ultasound pictures we got when I was pregnant. In those, he always had his hands near his face.

I also like it when Bailey and Nanny play the battle of wills. Bailey will start with babbling dadadada and Nanny will come back with nananana and it goes back and forth and with each turn Bailey's pitch gets higher and his voice a little angrier. I don't know if he actually understands what is going on, but it is so funny to watch him morph from a sweet almost singsong dadadada to a godzilla one.


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