
September 28, 2004

Here's something that really blew my socks off. Tonight at dinner Bailey was sitting in his high chair and Nanny gave him a graham cracker and like two seconds later the cracker was gone and Nanny asked, "Where did that cracker go?" and not missing a beat Bailey answered, "I ate it!" And I wasn't the only one that heard it Amanda did too. Funny how he can shape his sounds into words at the perfect time.

I'm thinking about Bailey's first birthday. I want to have a party but I'm not sure what the theme, if any, should be. I mean if he were older he could say, " Hey, Mommy, how about a Sponge Bob party." or whatever. But since he can't do that. I guess Daddy and i will have to decide.

Oh, one more cute thing before I go. If you say "Super Bailey", Bailey will repond by putting his hands up in the air like he's flying. Too cute!!!!


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