
November 8, 2004

Bailey has this soft soccer ball that I bought him at the Dollar Tree that he likes to play with recently. Usually, he just does his best to throw it to me and waits for me to roll it back to him. Today, however, I guess that was getting boring so he decided to push the ball around the room with his head, legs straight and head to the floor. Actually, he looked like a little seal.

HJe also likes to spend time just looking at his books- turning the pages, scooting along the floor using he book as a kind of steering wheel. Today I watched him as he found the book with pictures of babies eating and food everywhere, and Bailey gently caressed the cheek of one of the little babies and then just starred. Cute!!


November 7, 2004

So, I had come to my wits end about Bailey's hair. Nanny has taken to calling him Don King because his hair is that out of control. I had decided to ask Aunt Mary Lou to cut his hair after the birthday party for Charles and Amanda we had last night. Well, Uncle Richard got Bailey his toy that is like a gaint bug that snaps apart and pops back together. Bailey loved the sound of it popping back together and laughed so much about tears were running down his face. After all that excitement he was pooped out and started getting cranky. Needless to say, he didn't get a haircut, but hopefully on Tuesday it'll happen. Keep your fingers crossed!!


November 4, 2004

Progress has definately been made in the walking department. Used to be you had to trick Bailey to get him to walk by holding the tips of his fingers and letting go once he got onto stride. Now he will actually let go of whatever he is holding onto for support and take off. Take off? Is three or four stiff legged waddles really taking off??? Anyway, he is much, much more confident now.


November 1, 2004

So, despite all my fears, Bailey slept until around 6:30 this morning. But, then, I wonder is he going to want to go to bed at 6:30 every night from now on? Isn't that awfully early for a bed time? Well, like I said before we will just have to play it by ear.

Today as Bailey was eating his toast and I was cleaning out the dishwasher, he started babbling NANANANA (his word for Nanny). Mom had just left for work, so I asked Bailey, "Where is Nanny?" He promptly replied, "Bye bye." Coincindence? I think not!