
August 25, 2004

I am trying my best to teach Bailey to high five. I hold his little hand in mine and do the action while saying GIMEEEEE FIIIVEEEE!! He always smiles when I do it and thinks that it is great fun. After doing that a few times, he kinda gets the hang of it and does it without me holding his hand. But, if I try to get him to do it in front of other people he just smiles and gets kinda shy. Cute but frustrating.

We have his huge, blue piggy bank that someone gave to him and we fill it up with our pocket and occassionally, two dollar bills. Bailey is so cute trying to figure out where the money goes. When you drop the money into the bank he laughs at the sound of the money jangling. We should start a savings account for him soon. That little piggy is getting heavy.


August 24, 2004

I am debating whether or not Bailey needs his first haircut. He was born with a lot of hair and it just keeps growing and growing. It is so long around the ears and so are his bangs. I just wonder if he is gonna set still long enough to have it done. Also, should we do it at home or take him to a salon? Is nine months too early?

As traditon goes in America, you keep a lock of hair from the first haircut. As tradition goes in Japan, you make a calligraphy brush out of it. His first haircut, if done now, will really inly be a trim, so will there be enough hair to do both? Maybe we should just wait. On the other hand, we are having a family picture made on September 2nd and I don't want him looking shaggy.

Most people say that it is cute or you could always spike it up or smooth it down with some kind of product. They think he can get away with it because he is a baby. But, I think it is time. Question is, is Bailey ready?


August 23, 2004

It has been a long time since I have written. So much I wanted to say and have forgotten. Bailey is pulling up on everything now- people, tables, his toys, the cat. He tries so hard and it is cute to watch him grunt. He has also been sleping so much better lately maybe it is because of the cereal or because he is tired after a day of crawling and pulling up. He eats and drinks a lot more too. I have yet to find a food that he truly detests. That boy will eat anything.


August 17, 2004

Well, Bailey did sleep better last night, but he was grouchier than usual today. What's that about? Anyway, we went to a Chinese buffet tonight and the waitresses loved him. They kept coming over to play with him and they even feed him. He absolutely loved the attention. On the other hand, he kept trying to bite everybody. I know that children at this age put everything into their mouths, especially when they have new teeth coming through, but I don't want him to become the class biter. What to do?


August 16, 2004

I am trying a little experiment to see if Bailey will sleep longer at night. Right after his bath and before he goes to bed, I am giving him a little cereal from a bowl. Last night he slept from nine until two thirty without waking up which is an improvement over the usual twelve thirty. Also, he seems to be taking shorter naps during the day. His longest nap used to be about three hours but now that is down to two in the morning and forty five minutes in the afternoon. That less than his usual morning nap. We'll see. . . . .


August 14, 2004

Today I got kind of a shock when I went to get Bailey after his nap. I had laid him down on the bed because it was easier on my back. About two hours later I heard him cry and went to get him, but he wasn't on the bed. Somehow, despite my pillow barrier, he had rolled off the bed and was in the crawl position when I finally found him, half hidden by the bedside table. Needless to say, he sleeps in the baby bed now.

Two friends from high school came to visit tonight. Debbie is expecting her first baby, a boy, in about three weeks. It is always fun to watch Bailey interact with new people. At first he is really quiet, but then he smiles and realizes those new people aren't so bad.


August 13, 2004

Today Bailey had two "firsts". While he was rolling/crawling around the living room floor I suddenly noticed that he had gotten into the sitting position all by myself and was looking up at me with the cutest "What did I do?" eyes. So, he can go from a sitting position to crawling to rolling back to sitting. Pretty exciting. Then, not five minutes later he pulled himself up on the coffe table and proceeded to bang it with a coaster. The changes are coming so fast now. Go, Bailey, go!!


August 11, 2004

Bailey finally, for the first time in a long time slept through the night. He went to bed around 9:30 and slept until 5:30, took a bottle and went back to sleep for a little over an hour. I think we both feel better for it!! He has this cute new game that he likes to play with us. If we cover our face with our hands and say "Where's _____?" (Mommy, Nanny, etc) he will pull our hands away from our face and smile. It is a rather easy way to keep him entertained for a while.


August 11, 2004

Bailey drank so much today. He normally drinks about 24 ounces of milk a day but today he had four 8 ounce bottles and three 4 ounce bottles. And he only wanted milk, no juice, no water. Nothing from a sippy cup. Looks like he is getting another tooth which will make eight- four on top and four on bottom. Maybe that's why he wanted the comfort of the bottle. Also, he is getting so much better at crawling on the hardwood flooring in the kitchen. Next step the laundry room and kitty liter. Gotta do something about that.


August 9, 2004

Recently Bailey is having trouble sleeping through the night. He'll sleep for a few hours and wake up crying. When I go to pick him up he is usually on his tummy with his head pushing against the headboard of the baby bed like he is sleepcrawling. Then I end up bringing him to bed with me which makes him sleep better but means less sleep for me as he likes to sleep thisclose. He sleeps well enough by himself during the day. Wonder what's up?


August 8, 2004

I got this idea from a friend who had a baby about the same time that I did. Seemed like a good idea so here I am. Bailey was born on November 12, 2003. He has changed so much- from holding his head up to rolling over to saying dada and his most recent achievement crawling. Everybody says that I'll get tired of chasing after him soon enough, but for now I am cheering him on and on and on.