
October 31, 2004

For a little guy, Bailey cleaned up in the candy department last night. We only went to about four or five houses, but they loaded him up. Today, we let him enjoy one of his Halloween suckers and he got it all over him, but he had fun. Afterward, a rinse took care of the worst of it and his bath tonight got the rest.

This time change thing has kinda thrown Bailey for a loop. He started getting fussy at like 5:30 and Ihad to puit him to bed around 6:45. hope that he doesdn't wake up at, like, 5:00 raring to go. It will just take him a little while to get adjusted to it, that's all.


October 26, 2004

I didn't see it with my own eyes, but it seems that Bailey has taken his first steps. The story goes like this. Andy and I had gone to the store to get diapers and some drinks and when we came back Amanda filled us in on what happened. He was holding on to the sofa and Mom was sitting on the floor with some of Bailey's toys. He just let go of the sofa and took a few steps toward Mom. And of course when we tried to get me to re-enact it, no dice. So I am gonna try, try, try tomorrow.

I can see now how he has progressed to walking. His crawl has become more of a butt up in the air, legs straight kind of affair. Also, he has been testing his crawling skills more and more, like by crawling over the rungs on the chair and wiggling his way off the couch by sliding on his stomach. Andy actually had him standing on his own two feet in the kitchen, but then he got nervous and refused to do it again.

Wouldn't it be a great surprise for Daddy if he is walking while he is here? We will see what happens.

October 19, 2004

Babies have a way of testing your patience and then doing the sweetest things. Two particularly sweet things Bailey has been doing recently are kissing and sharing. Mom somehow taught Bailey to give kisses by making a kissy face. Bailey leans in close mouth open wide and kinda throws his mouth in the general direction of yours. It's a start. And the sharing. If he is eating something and you lean in close and say "I want a bite" he will offer up whatever he has for you to taste. Sometimes it is the actual food, sometimes it is his little fist. Guess it is the thought that counts!!!


I love this picture!! Bailey just grabbed the camer and clicked. So cute!! Posted by Hello

October 15, 2004

Bailey seems to be able to put himself to sleep now!! Yeah!! He put himself down for a nap and went to bed with minimal fuss. Just a little whimper and he was out. What a good boy!! I am so proud of him!!!

Just a few notes of cuteness before I go. He has been so cute lately (probably because of improved sleep) pivoting on his butt to get the 360 view and clapping his hands whenever a game show is on, particularly Wheel of Fortune. Maybe he's got a crush on Vanna!!


October 14, 2004

So, Bailey went to the doctor today to have his ears checked and to catch up on his shots. He weighs in at a hefty 29 pounds 9 ounces and is 32 1/4 inches long. He is off the charts for both height and weight. A little chubby for his height, but nothing to worry about the doctor assures. Had a scary moment though when the doctor thought that he heard a murmur in Bailey's heart. Thank god it turned out to be nothing.

Now to track Bailey's progress in the getting to sleep on his own department. He slept for nine hours on the 12th with one two hour crying jag in between. Last night he slept for ten hours with an hour and a half crying jag and then later, a few ten minute crying jags. Is that progress? Anyway, he went to sleep easily tonight in about ten minutes. Just a little rub on the back from me. A good sign, I hope.


October 13, 2004

For a little while this is going to be about sleep. I am trying to teach Bailey how to fall asleep on his own. Last night was alright, actually better than I thought it would be. Bailey was asleep by 7:30 and didn't wake up again until 1:45 or so. He was so restless and wouldn't let me hold him or comfort him. I think that he wanted to sleep in bed with me as usual. So, I just put him down in his bed. I picked him up or rubbed his tummy when he cried then put him back in his bed. This went on until around 3:30 when he finally tried and suceeded to go to sleep on his own!!! And didn't wake up again until 7:00. So far, so good!!!


October 12, 2004

(Just as a sidebar, Bailey is eleven months old today. Time flies. ) Today Bailey and I finally got out of the house to do some grocery shopping and have lunch with Amanda. We went to Long John's and Bailey was amazed at the little paper boat that the hushpuppies came in. He wouldn't eat anything unless we put it in the boat and when he threw it on the ground that was the end of the meal in his eyes. Then, after Mom got home, we helped with some yard work and he was so good just exploring the yard and enjoying the fresh air. He looked so beautiful sitting there in the sunlight. Hard to believe that he is my child.

Great news, Bailey's Dad is going to be here for his first birthday!! Yeah, yeah, yeah!!!


October 6, 2004

We went out with Karen and Gene tonight for Andy's birthday to the Outback. They hadn't seen Bailey since he was a few months old and they were amazed at how big he has gotten. They also said he was friendly and active. He always drinks in his surroundings and doesn't miss a thing that goes on. Maybe that is why it is hard for him to take naps during the day. Hoe doesn't wanna miss a thing. I joke that he thinks we have Barney over when he goes to sleep and nobody would wanna miss Barney, right? Anyway, when a big group of waitstaff came to sing "Happy Birthday" to Andy Bailey just stared with his mouth open in amazement. We'll definately have to get someone to sing like that for his birthday!!


October 1, 2004

I have been trying white noise in combination with lullabies to help Bailey fall asleep and stay asleep. It has helped if onoly by signaling to him that it is time to sleep. I play it at nap times and at bedtime and he is so much easier to put to sleep. He is also happier and more easy going because he is sleeping better. Last night insteas for crying when he woke up he just stood up in his crib and said MAMAMA. What a cutie!!!

He is getting more determined to feed himself. He tries to take the spoon or fork from me and then refuses to eat unless I let him "help". He is also much more interested in finger foods and he loves bread of any kind. I think he has a sweet tooth probably because Nanny is always giving him something sweet.